This project would not exist without the support of the Writers for the Future programme, managed by the trAce Online Writing Centre and funded by NESTA. Many thanks to all at these three organisations.
Thanks specifically to:
Sue Thomas, Simon Mills, Helen Whitehead, Simon Widdowson, Catherine Gillam and Kate Wilkinson at trAce. Simon Mills, in particular, helped enormously with the creation of design templates for the site.
Lisa Gee, for bringing her literary PR and marketing skills to bear on the project.
Everyone who took part in the trAce Roadshow, especially Catherine Byron, Chris Joseph, Gavin Stewart and Rebecca & Lucy at Channel 4.
Paul Conneally, Jonathan Kepple, and Pauline Masurel for their invaluable contributions at the vital early stages of the project.
Rob Bevan of XPT
Freya Newbery, Truman & Ingrid... and Bern the dog.